Installation Guide


To follow up this guide you need to have Golang installed, since we are going to use it to compile the code itself. you can find a tutorial on how to install Golang here:

Additionally, you may want to have git installed (but you can also download directly from Github):


In order to download the code and compile you need the following commands:

$ git clone

$ cd erigon

$ make


After this is done, you can run Erigon by executing.

$ ./build/bin/erigon

what this will do is start a sync process in mainnet.

RPC Daemon

Unlike Go-Ethereum (geth), Erigon has a separate RPC service called rpcdaemon, this service is used for managing JSON RPC API. In fact, they are not present in Erigon with –rpc flag but we have to start a separate service for it. first of all Erigon must give access to the rpcdaemon to the database through an API. so we need to run Erigon with the flag –private.api.addr which by convention should be set to localhost:9090.

$ ./build/bin/erigon --private.api.addr=localhost:9090

then to run the rpcdaemon attached to our node we just run

$ ./build/bin/rpcdaemon

now we can make use of the JSON RPC API at localhost:8545. in order to change the address in which we serve the API we can use the flag –http.api=<something>